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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-10
Spectrum of Study of Breast Lumps in Young Females between Ages 15 and 20 Years- A Prospective Study in a Teaching Hospital
Kandukuri Mahesh Kumar, V. Indira, Vanita Pandey
Published: Oct. 31, 2015 | 293 154
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i10.008
Pages: 860-866
The breast is one of the most important organs in the female reproductive system. Breast tissue in females is under the influence of various hormones and it is subjected to constant physiological variations throughout a woman’s life more so in adolescence, reproductive life and less beyond the reproductive age group too. Breast lumps have a variety of etiologies, could be either benign or malignant. Major fear in a patient with lump is that a breast lump might be cancerous makes patient to present to the hospital. Young females presenting to the surgical outpatient department of Malla Reddy hospital, Suraram, Hyderabad, Telangana State were selected keeping in mind the inclusion criteria such as Age between 15 and 20 years and Palpable breast lump of variable duration. Age more than 21 years and patients reluctant to FNAC and excision biopsy were not included in the study. In our study, out of the hundred cases studied 57 cases (57 %) were Fibro adenomas , 08 cases (8%) were bilateral fibroadenoma, 08 (8%)cases were phyllodes tumor , 07 (7%) cases were giant juvenile fibro adenomas , 06 cases(6%) were tubular adenomas, 04 (4%) cases were multiple juvenile fibro adenomas, 04 cases (4%)were fibro adenomas with cystic change , 03 (3%)cases were lactating adenomas,02 (2%)cases were infarcted fibro adenomas, 01 (1%)case was complex fibro adenoma. Fibroadenomas are most common benign diseases involving breast. Predominantly found in young girls and young women of age 16-45 with varying number and size involving any quadrant or all quadrants of breast. Diagnosis by FNAC is reliable yet confirmation by biopsy is required even in young girls which confirms or rules out unusual presentation.