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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-11
Clinical Profile & Management of Patients of Carcinoma Anorectum: A Retrospective and Prospective Study
Dr. Puneet Jain, Dr. Hardeep Singh Gill, Dr. Anantbir Singh, Dr. Satish Jain
Published: Nov. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i11.003
Pages: 886-895
In the present study, we have done a retrospective as well as prospective study for the clinical profile of patients with carcinoma anorectum undergoing abdominoperineal resection, with special emphasis on clinical presentation and management of carcinoma anorectum. 75 patients operated for APR were studied retrospectively and 25 patients operated for the same were studied prospectively. It was concluded that colorectal cancer is the most common malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract. Rectum remains the most common site affected by it. Bleeding per rectum remains the most common presenting complaint. Abdomino-perineal resection remains the 'gold standard' for low lying (i.e. <5cm from anal verge) advanced carcinoma anorectum.