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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-12
Estimation of Urinary Protein/Creatinine ratio in Normal Pregnancy and Pre-Eclampsia and its importance as a diagnostic tool
Dr. R. Anuradha
Published: Dec. 31, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i12.008
Pages: 1026-1029
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive condition that appears after the 20th week of gestation. There is an increased perinatal morbidity and mortality to fetus and mother in Preeclampsia condition. Proteinuria is the most common feature that is presented among Preeclamptic patients. The aim of the study is to estimate Urinary Protein/Creatinine ratio among Normal pregnancy subjects and Preeclamptic patients and comparison among them. This is a prospective study done for two years among 80 patients of among preeclampsia patients and normal pregnants by collecting 24 hours urine sample which is a gold standard method to detect urinary protein/creatinine ratio. Urine protein and Urine creatinine were measured by using turbidimetric method and alkaline picrate method respectively. The estimated mean value of urine protein was 224.4±310.2, urine creatinine was 87.72±47.5 and urinary protein/creatinine ratio was 2205.7±2286.9. Urinary protein/creatinine ratio shown statistically significant higher levels among normal pregnancy when compared to preeclampsia.Urinary Protein/Creatinine ratio shown wide variation of results among Preeclamptic patients. Estimation of urinary protein/creatinine is a feasible method with high accuracy to diagnose. It is a good screening method to predict preeclampsia which reduces perinatal morbidity and mortality. Proteinuria should not consider as single predictive value for preterm delivery in Preeclamptic patients.