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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-01
Factors effecting on germination of oospores in sargassum ilicifolium along the Visakhapatnam coast
Appa Rao, D, Subba Rangaiah, G
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 | 260 156
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i01.013
Pages: 81-92
The species of Sargassum are abundant among the brown algae occurring along the Indian shores and these are the chief sources for the extraction of alginic acids. In view of the importance of brown algae as a source of algin and as food, fodder and fertilizer, special efforts were made in India since 1950 to study the chemical composition and algin content of brown seaweeds. At present detailed ecological studies on the Sargassum ilicifolium in two different localities were made for a period of two and half years from December, 1995 to May, 1998. During this period data on germination of oospores. Laboratory experiments on the environmental factors have also been carried out to understand the germination. Some preliminary observations were also made on the growth and survival of Sargassum germ lings in different photon flux densities and salinities. Results obtained on the above aspects are presented and discussed in this paper. The percentage of germination varied from 70 to 80%. Maximum growth was observed in the germ lings of S.ilicifolium at photon flux densities of 18 and 36µ E m-2s-l. The rate of survival of germ lings was 88-99% between 9µ E m-2s-1 and 36µ E m-2s-1. Growth and survival of germ ling’s tolerance was optimal at 30‰ salinity.