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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-02
An Assessment of the Bacteriological Quality of the Drinking Water Sources and its Health Implications on Residence of Sokoto Metropolis, Sokoto State State, Nigeria.
M. Attahiru, S.E Yakubu and K.Abubakar
Published: Feb. 29, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i02.011
Pages: 144-148
Portable water is the water that is free from disease producing microorganisms and chemical substance that are dangerous to health the quality of drinking water sources is a powerful environmental determinant of health. This study aimed at assessing the bacteriological quality of the drinking water sources and its Health implications on residence of Sokoto metropolis, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Water samples from well, taps and boreholes were collected with the aid of a sterile 250ml plastic bottles from different location. Bacteria isolation, nutrient agar, Macconkey agar, TCBS, EMB and SSA were used. Macconkey broth powder was used for the MPN test. All media were prepared and sterilized as instructed by manufacturer, bacteriological characteristic were determined using the multiple tube fermentation procedure, the nutrient agar medium (FLUKES) was used to analyse total enumeration of THC, the most probable number method (MPN) was used to analyse total and faecal coliform count . The procedure for total coliform count was also carried out here only that the presumptive tubes were incubated for 48 hours. After assessing the bacteriological properties of drinking water in the study area, faecal coliforms were detected in all samples analyzed, the average value (31.9us/cum) and (74.1us/m) of conductivity of all the water sample collected from wells and borehole as found to be below the standard 9100us/cm) recommended by NAFDAC, The heterotrophic plate count was high in well water at 7.30x106 cfu/ml , Inorganic chemicals were found to be contained in the water as a result of human activities around the water sources.The bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli, salmonella sp, Shigella sp., Citrobacter sp., proteus sp., and Vibrio sp.