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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-3 | Issue-03
Migraine – A Malady: A Short Review
B. Prameela, S. Subhashini, V. Anusha, D. Eswar Tony, N. Rama Rao
Published: March 30, 2014 | 256 242
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 285-289
Migraine is a mysterious disorder and much misunderstood condition characterized by pulsating headache, restricted to one side, in the form of attacks lasting from 4-48 hrs. Family, friends and work colleagues often find it difficult to understand how people who suffer from migraine can be fine in one minute and then have a deliberating headache the next. It is a complex neurological condition, which can effect the whole body and can result in many symptoms, sometimes without a headache at all. Two types of migraines are seen generally classical migraine – a migraine with an aura or warning and common migraine – a migraine without an aura. The pharmacological treatment of migraine may be acute or preventive. Frequent severe and long lasting migraine attacks require prophylaxis. The better knowledge about migraine pathophysiology led us to discuss new treatment options. Migraine can be diagnosed by the symptoms like intense headache, relentless, throbbing pain, inability to carry out daily activities etc. The majority of migraineurs who seek medical attention consult primary care physicians. Therefore, it is important for the generalist to be conversant with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of migraine. However there are many ways to help in managing the condition and lessen its impact ultimately reducing the disruption caused to everyday life.