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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-3 | Issue-03
Physicochemical Characteristics of Various Milk Samples
Mannan Hajimahmoodi, Mohammad Ali Heidari, Mahboubeh Shaneshin, Fatemeh Zamani Mazdeh, Ghazaleh Moghaddam, Naficeh Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Oveisi, Behrooz Jannat
Published: March 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 327-331
Milk is an important source of all basic nutrients required for mammals including human beings. The study
was conducted to evaluate physiochemical quality of milk samples in selected dairy plant of Iran. Various
physiochemical properties of milk were analyzed by Lactostar analyzer and compared to the related standards. Also
another major concern of this study was to consider the presence of melamine in milk samples by high-performance
liquid chromatography. The method was performed using a C8 column and detection at 240 nm. Total 38 different milk
samples were analyzed. The results for milk sample analysis showed fat 2.17±0.05%, protein 2.89%±0.01%, lactose
4.37%±0.02%, total solid 10.66%±0.06%, and mineral of 0.22%±0.05% and in infant samples fat 23.38±4.25%, protein
24.18%±3.86%, lactose 37.33%±6.26%, total solid 91.32%±6.26%, and mineral of 16.17%±7.25%. To conclude the
occurrence of melamine in infant milk samples and pasteurized milk samples collected from Tehran-Iran revealed that
melamine was detected in none of the studied samples. These findings didn’t show awareness among consumers level in
Iran and may be helpful for the concerned governmental regulatory bodies to monitor the quality of the commercial milk
products in the market.