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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-3 | Issue-04
The Placebo-An Ameliorate Medicinal Power
R. Naga Sai Rupa, S. Nirosha, R. Siyon Kumari, U. Jhansi Sri, K. Ramya
Published: April 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 354-355
Placebo is defined as any medication or procedure that produces an effect in patients resulting from its implicit
or explicit intent and not from its specific physical or chemical properties. Positive placebo effects may include symptom
reduction or improvements in physiological parameters and are believed to be due to mind body or interpersonal factors.
In recent years the placebo effect has returned to the limelight. The reasons for this are complex, but they probably
include the increased use of neuro imaging, the clinical improvement noted in the placebo groups in trails of anti
depressants, and the growing public and research interest in alternative medicine. Placebos are paradoxical, able to be
simultaneously the most tested intervention in randomised control trails and yet the least understood of all therapies. The
most quoted treatment in medical science and yet notoriously elusive to definition. The goal of this paper is to
demonstrate the placebo effects are relevant and can be used as an effective part of many treatments by using
communication targeting placebo effect mechanisms