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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-05
Spectrum of AKI and its outcome in an out born neonatal intensive care unit- A prospective observational study
Dr Sandeep Choudhary, Dr Manish Verma, Dr Vishnu Kumar Goyal, Dr Jai Prakash Soni
Published: May 31, 2017 | 77 117
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i05.005
Pages: 1739-1743
AKI is associated with increased mortality in neonates but there is lack of studies regarding prevalence and outcome of AKI in neonates in western Rajasthan. The aim is to study the prevalence, co-morbidities and outcome of AKI in critically ill neonates. This single center prospective observational study was conducted for one year at tertiary care out born neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 1004 neonates fulfilled admission criteria, out of them 93 neonates suffered from AKI on admission or later. AKI was categorized by AKIN staging. Associated co-morbidities were identified and clinical course followed till discharge/expiry. Analysis of data was done by using SPSS version 15 & differences in distribution of categorical variables were analyzed by chi square test. AKI found to be as common as 9.26% in critical ill neonates (stage 3 in 37.63%). AKI was more common in SGA and home delivered neonates. These neonates required higher percentage of inotropic support (51.61%) and mechanical ventilation (45.16%) with prolong NICU stay (6.95 ± 4.20 days) and increase mortality in compare to patients without AKI. Septicemia (65.59%), perinatal asphyxia (22.58%), gastroenteritis (8.60%) and DIC (8.60%) were leading comorbidities associated with AKI. AKI is common in NICU patients and associated with a grave prognosis. So we need to early diagnosis and management of AKI in critically ill patients.