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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-05
Patterns of recurrences in carcinoma of alveolus
Dr Kunal Goutam, Dr Pramod Chandra Pathy, Dr Padmalaya Devi, Dr Mohan lal Khadia
Published: May 31, 2017 | 79 64
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i05.018
Pages: 1806-1812
In India Khaini and tobacco consumption is very high. Health awareness would certainly decrease the advanced presentation of the oral cancers to the clinicians which would help in better control of the disease. A prospective study was carried out in 60 patients of inferior alveolar carcinoma. Preoperative staging evaluation was done with physical examination including indirect laryngoscopy, laboratory studies, OPG, chest x-ray. Patients were evaluated with history and clinical examination at every visit and imaging studies and biopsy were used in case of any suspicious findings at every 2months for 1st year, every 3 months in 2nd year and 4months in 3rd year. The recurrence pattern and the factors affecting the recurrence were observed.