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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-05
Estimation of Stature based on percutaneous length of Ulna in living subjects
Chintala Durga Sukumar
Published: May 31, 2017 | 44 71
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i05.037
Pages: 1897-1902
Stature estimation has several important implications like identification of unknown bodies in forensics, medicolegal cases and Anthropological studies. Most commonly used bones for estimation of stature are the long bones of the body including humerus, femur, tibia and ulna. We in the present study tried to evaluate the height of the individuals based on percutaneous measurement of length of ulna in living subjects. This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, Nimra Institute of Medical Sciences, Vijayawada, and Andhra Pradesh. Male and female subjects (n=50) each were included in the study randomly. All the individuals were between 21-24 years of age. Standing height was measured by asking the individual to stand bare foot on baseboard of a Standard metric height measuring stand with Frankfurt plane parallel to the ground. The measurements were recorded in nearest to 0.5cms percutaneous length of ulna was measured with help of spreading calipers, from tip of olecranon process to tip of styloid process of ulna with elbow flexed and palm placed on opposite shoulder. The mean height of male subjects was 165.72 ± 3.95 and mean length of right ulna was 29.84 ± 2.03 and the mean length of left ulna was 29.78 ± 2.04. The Mean height in female was 160.58 ± 3.52 and the mean length of right ulna was 26.70 ± 0.73 and left ulna was 26.63 ± 0.73. Regression equations were calculated for estimation of stature in male and female separately with the length of right ulna and left ulna. Stature of individuals varies with Gender, race, region and ethnicity. The ulna being a percutaneous bone it is easy to measure its length and determine regression equations for estimation of stature in this group of population. Such equations can be used by anatomists, anthropologists, and forensic experts as and when required in this group of population.