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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-10
Rethinking Eurocentrism as a Human Drive in the Hermeneutical-Aesthetics Controversy of African Literature and New Digital Writings: The Case for a Specific Cultural Heritage and its Agency
Alfred Ndi1
Published: Dec. 30, 2022 | 229 321
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2022.v08i10.001
Pages: 140-168
This paper was hypothesized on the prospect of a hypertextual and psycho-dialectical model of critically reading African literature and its new digital writings in view of the Eurocentric metanarratives that richly flourish as a drive in its hermeneutical and aesthetics controversy. Conscious of the prospect of post-graduate students picking on this topic in the discipline, and drawing from a post-structuralist method, the paper arrived at the following findings as constitutive of Africa’s cultural heritage and agency. The language question, the techno-text, Africanization of socialist criticism, Womanist commitment, postcolonialism and the publishing industry, pedagogy of literary theory and criticism in African schools and universities, Bolekaja criticism, re-inscription of African traditional codes of sexuality, situatedness of IMF-generation development discourses, and self-containment/ utopia of digital writings. The paper cautions, nevertheless, that these discourses are subject to new interrogations in the globalizing world.