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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-01
White Development and Its Philosophy: A Welfaric Concept of Inclusive Sustainable Livelihood
Dr. Ashutosh Shukla
Published: Jan. 30, 2014 | 108 92
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i01.014
Pages: 70-75
Though the development is a root process of every society and walk of life but perception of development of that time decides the present and future of life of whole ecosystem. So before starting the blind race of development people should make some basic criteria of our development process that must follow the concept of equity, balance, sustainability and just impact on whole universe. If one makes his livelihood more comfortable and prosperous on the ground to make other’s life problematic, then it is not actual development and this type of development can’t provoke sustainable livelihood. If people want a sustainable livelihood then they have to go for that kind of development that will depend on own scarifies with just and equity. This philosophy of development accelerates the process of that type of development that can be called “White Development”. In this research paper author has tried to get the different perceptions of development and special attention has been paid for the indigenous view of the India for development and tried to analyze the relationship between the development and livelihood. Author has also tried to gather that how the livelihood can make sustainable with the help of ‘white development’.