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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Practice of Mid Day Meal Scheme at Elementary Education Level: A Case Study of a Rural Elementary School
Sankar Prasad Mohanty
Published: March 31, 2014 | 251 177
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i03.006
Pages: 402-407
The flagship programme Mid Day Meal was introduced in Odisha in 1995 with objective to enhance enrolment, attendance and retention of children in schools; and to mitigate their classroom hunger and improving nutritional status. After 18 years of implementation of such programme, it has not reached at its destination as stipulated. Although enrolment, retention has been increased, drop out has been decreased, but fulfillment of nutritional requirement of the children is far behind as the review report says. In this context, a research has been conducted in the form of a case study to have an in-depth knowledge about implementation of MDM scheme. One primary school was taken as the case and key informants were comprised the teachers including head master of the school, Students, parents and SMC members. For obtaining data, interview schedule and a guideline for FGD with students were used. Data on the dimensions such as enrolment, retention, learning achievement, social interaction, community participation, health and nutrition / quality of food and management were collected. As revealed from FGD had with children most of the children were found to accept the Mid Day Meal willingly. The children irrespective of their background were found to enjoy the sharing of food. The poor parents had a very positive view on the Scheme. Some parents wanted the Scheme to be continued variety of menu. Insufficient food provided to the students created dissatisfaction among the parents and students. Rice and Pulses is not of high quality, so that the protein and calorie is a question mark. The detail study is presented in the paper.