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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Heathcliff, the 19th century Othello
Pardis Karami Nejad, Esmaeil Zohdi
Published: March 31, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i03.019
Pages: 465-466
Psychoanalysis studies people’s feelings and characteristics during childhood to discover their problems and solutions. Sigmund Freud is a pioneer in psychoanalysis who believes every single action of human roots in his/her past. Othello in Othello by William Shakespeare and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë are two characters that may appear irrelevant to each other on surface but deep down they share one childhood trauma which is being an outsider. The chief purpose of this article is to examine the effect of childhood trauma on self-destruction procedure in these two characters.