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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Epistemology in Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s Wings of Fire
Dr. D. S. Salunke
Published: March 31, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i03.020
Pages: 467-470
This paper examines some of the implications of epistemology that figure up in Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s autobiography, Wings of Fire. It narrates India’s journey of self-reliance and self-sufficiency in matters of space exploration and missile development. Epistemology is one of the branches of philosophy. It is a systematic study of knowledge. The paper is a critical study of the theory of knowledge in terms of self-knowledge, world-knowledge and god-knowledge. His reflective and insightful comments on the people, events and happenings have been pretty knowledge enhancing. The account given below throws light on how this principle forms a central theme in this literary discourse.