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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Nature as the Source of Wisdom in Sepehri and Wordsworth’s Poetry
Fatemeh Shariati Rad, Shamsoddin Royanian
Published: April 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i04.001
Pages: 471-474
Sohrab Sepehri is one the great contemporary Persian poets who shares the same taste of composing poetry with that of European ones especially William Wordsworth. They both admire nature and believe it to be the only true friend and inspiration for attaining wisdom or understanding the world we live in. To them nature is a book open to human being and this book is expiration date free. It is always there for the seeker of truth and is trustworthy. According to them the rustic man that is true to nature and understand it, is superior to modern man in the civilized city. The present study traces some few shared ideas and poems containing the same message of accepting the nature as the true teacher and source of wisdom to man, though the shared concerns are much greater. Thus the study takes Riddle Bird, The Water’s Footfall and Moving On by Sepehri and To the Cuckoo, A Poet’s Epitaph and The Female Vagrant by Wordsworth for a concise comparison and analysis.