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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Occupational Aspiration of Secondary School Teachers: Does It Reflect The Commitment Towards Institutional Goals?
Dr. Prakash Chandra Jena, Nirdosh Gupta
Published: April 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i04.011
Pages: 538-542
Occupation refers to the activity to which one regularly devotes oneself, especially getting a living. Occupational aspirations of individuals help in fixing the right person at the right place and thus minimizing social misfits, curtailing wastage of human talent and resourcefulness. In other words it can be said that occupational aspiration refers to the desire of a person to choose particular occupation which he/she would like to choose as a means of his/her livelihood. Hence intelligence, academic achievement, occupational aspiration and occupational interests are the four pillars of the occupational success. The present study tries to explore the difference in occupational aspiration among secondary school teachers working in govt. and private schools. It is a descriptive research and survey method has been used. The investigators have selected 200 working teachers (100 govt. and 100 private) from 20 secondary schools by using simple random sampling technique. In order to collection evidences, Occupational Aspiration Scale standardized by Dr. J. S. Garewal in 2002 was used and for result analysis, t-test has also applied. The result of the study revealed that there exists no significant difference in occupational aspiration of male and female secondary school teachers working in government schools. School teachers where as there exists a significant difference in occupational aspiration of male and female secondary school teachers working in private schools.