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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Law of Consumer Protection
Dr Chintamani Rout
Published: April 30, 2014 | 255 166
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i04.012
Pages: 543-549
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, is a benevolent social legislation that lays down the rights of the consumers and provides their promotion and protection of the rights of the consumers. Consumer justice aims at consumer protection which is coextensive with the growth of consumerism and consumer movement. Consumerism is the social movement seeking to promote, preserve and protect the rights and powers of the consumers in relation to the sellers in the market place. The act has provided two tier protections Council to motivate the executive to implement the provisions of the Act and to make consumers aware of their rights. The number of councils- national and state is grossly inadequate to promote and protect the interest of the millions of consumers. In addition to the existing Central Consumer Protection Council, State Consumer Protection Council, Village Consumer Protection Councils, Mandal/Tahsil Consumer Protection Councils, must first be established to ensure that the spirit of consumerism percolates from the urban to the rural level. Special programmes for generating awareness and for dissemination of information need to be prepared for utilization through the electronic media like Radio, Tele-Vision which have a high reach in the rural areas and small towns. Steps should also be taken to see that these programmes catch the imagination of the audience and carry the message of consumerism convincingly.