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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Gloswahilization of the African Mind: Language Ideology in Action
Dainess M Maganda
Published: April 30, 2014 | 271 157
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i04.013
Pages: 550-558
This article articulates how Swahili, an African language, is perceived differently by its speakers based on varied reasons. The goal is to show contending views that reveal a linguistic ideology that may be understood by examining social, economic and cultural phenomenon resulting in a process through which Swahili speakers acquire a global understanding about the Swahili language – gloswahilization. The author used survey questionnaires conducted on sight in four different events to gain insights from 100 Africans regarding their perceptions of Swahili while in Africa and after staying in the United States of America. A thematic approach was used to analyze data. The themes and patterns seem to suggest that most Swahili speakers while in Africa are unaware of Swahili’s value beyond Africa; most Swahili speakers in the USA are aware of Swahili’s value locally and globally, and understanding varied functions of Swahili beyond Africa may lead to a gloswahilization. The article thus demonstrate how local and international forces play a role into creating positive and negative perceptions about Swahili into the African mind. Such understanding may play a critical role in helping Africans envision ways to capitalize the power of language for their economic success.