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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Responsibility of Female Education System in India To Protect Divorce: A Special Reference To West Bengal
Dr. Shyamsundar Bairagya, Dr. Haraprasad Bairagya
Published: May 30, 2014 | 250 170
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i05.002
Pages: 597-612
“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.” ― Joseph Conrad Marriage is a sacrament between couple of man and woman. It should not be separated till the end of life for the shake of the following next generation. Today the rate of divorce is increasing with the increasing rate of female education. There should have any fault in the educational curriculum which cannot help to determine marriage as a sacrament. Otherwise different physical and mental problems will be the regular assistance of the people. Anybody will not successfully achieve the original aims of life and which may obstruct the progress of human civilization. The children will suffer mostly from mental agony and insecurity. It is seen that in India divorce rate is almost minimum throughout the world. It is only due to Indian culture where the daughter is being sent to the father in law’s house to spend her life and she has to adjust with all members of the family. In Indian culture the female has been given maximum importance and responsibility to make a happy family as well as future generation. Thus in this context, female education is more important than the male education for adjustment in the family as well as to maintain the Indian culture. Different poets and famous literates of India tried to make the adjustment through their novels, poems and epics. Unfortunately these important novels, poems and epics which help to determine a married life as a sacrament are neglected in Indian Education Curriculum. Inclusion of different moral fables and folktales repeatedly, curriculum related to spiritual aims of life, curriculum related to repeated hammering of morality and dignity, curriculum related to family bonding mentioned in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are essential to decrease the rate of divorce.