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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Devdarvyadi Vati-A Compound Ayurvedic Formulation
Vhora Maleka, Patel KS, Harisha , Rajagopala S, Shukla
Published: March 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 164-167
Childhood period is a crucial stage for rapid growth and development. All the phases of growth and
development are easily affected by unfavorable conditions like use of contaminated foods and water, faulty food habits
etc. In day to day practice, pediatricians come across with good number of patients suffering from diseases related to
gastrointestinal tract i.e. loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, bowel disturbances (diarrhea, constipation) etc. If
these problems are ignored, they lead to malnutrition and its complications. The changed lifestyle is responsible
forvitiation of Agni, improper Agni especially Mandagni results in Grahani Dosha, which is a precursor stage of
malabsoption syndrome. Devdarvyadi Churna is indicated in such condition. Devdarvyadi Churna converted into Vati
form due to easy palatability in pediatrics patients and drugs were selected in the present study. The present work was
carried out to standardize the finished product Devdarvyadi Vati to conform its identity, quality and purity. The
pharmacognostical work reveals that presence of lignified fibers of Devadaru (Cedrusdeodara (Roxb.) Loud),starch with
oiliores in content of Vacha (Acoruscalamus Linn.), starch grain in Musta(Cyperusrotundus Linn.), starch with oiliores in
contentin Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale Roscoe.)prismatic crystal of Ativisha(Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royal),
epicarpe cells of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.) were observed microscopically. Organoleptic features of coarse
powder made out of the crude drugs were within the standard range as per mention in classic. The pH value
ofDevdarvyadiVatiis4, Water soluble extract is 11.07%w/w, Loss on drying is 5.73 %w/wand High Performance Thin
Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) at 254nm and 366nm resulted into 5 and 6 spots respectively