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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
The Future of Converged Media in Kenya
Mbatia B. Kinyanjui, Busienei Julia, Ndonye M. Michael
Published: May 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i05.018
Pages: 713-716
The aim of this research paper is to assess the future of rapid media convergence in Kenya. The research paper starts by defining converged media concept in Kenya, the evolution of converged media in Kenya, new media effects and the future of convergence in Kenya. There is an emerging tread in Kenya, like in other parts of the world in which converged media is becoming more reliable and it has thwarted the idea that new media was to replace the traditional media. The future of Kenyan converged media; where the traditional media feeds itself with the new media and produces a technological synergy to propel it in times of change is bright.