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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Influence of Viewing Soap Operas on The Sexual Behaviour of The Youth in Maasai Mara University, Kenya- A Case of Popular Culture and Content In Kenya Televisions
Nyaruri Paul Okinyi, Joseph Oluoch Otieno and Neria Nyanchama Nyabuto
Published: May 30, 2014 | 268 161
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2014.v02i05.032
Pages: 796-806
Sexual behaviour of the youth has drastically changed as a result of the media content they consume. At the peak of this is the influence of viewing soap operas. Youths are dropping out of school having fallen victims to this handicap that leaves them expectant and helpless for the girls while the boys are helplessly ushered into fatherhood. This happens to the youths both in rural areas and urban centres as a fairer and safer option if they are lucky enough not to get infected with STIs and or HIV/AIDS. Sexual moral decay is there the world over and it is a conspicuous even nationally. Here in Maasai Mara University, it is not uncommon to find the youths engaging in casual sex based on what they ape from watching the soap operas. This commonly goes by the identity of ‘no strings attached’. This is a research proposal on the influence of viewing soap operas on the sexual behaviour of the youth. The purpose of the study is to come up with new long lasting solutions to the problem. There are specific questions to be answered. These questions will facilitate the researcher in formulating a hypothesis which will aid in guessing the outcome of the research thus staying focused on the mission. I will review works of other scholars so as to develop an analytical framework for analysing and interpreting data and to have a variety of approaches in dealing with the problem among other important facts. The research will take a descriptive design. The study will request 200 respondents to participate in the survey based on simple random sampling.