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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Antioxidant Potentials of Marine Red and Green Algae Extracts In-vitro
Yanti, Fendy Heryanto Koesnoto, Andre Sutanto, Jae-Kwan Hwang
Published: March 28, 2015 | 219 107
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 177-180
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is normally found in balance with antioxidant molecules within all aerobic cells. The unbalance condition between ROS and antioxidant molecules will cause oxidative stress that may lead to any damages on nucleic acid, protein, and fatty acid. In this study, we investigated the antioxidant potentials of Indonesian marine algae extracts, including red algae (Botryocladia sp. and Gracilaria sp.) and green algae (Caulerpa sertulaioides, C. racemosa, Codium sp., Enteromorpha sp., and Halimeda opuntia) in vitro. Seven marine algae were dried and extracted with ethanol, followed by evaporating and freeze-drying treatments to obtain algae extracts. The antioxidant activity was referred to the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay. Our results demonstrated that both red algae (Botryoclardia sp. and Gracilaria sp.) and green algae (C. sertulaioides and Codium sp.) at 100 µg/mL significantly possessed 35-40% antioxidant activity, indicating that these marine algae extracts may exert potential natural antioxidant properties.