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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Hepatoprotective activity of tagetes erecta Linn. in ethanol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
Gauri Karwani, Siddhraj S. Sisodia
Published: March 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 181-189
The plant Tagetes erecta Linn., locally known as Genda Phul (Marigold) belongs to the family Asteraceae
(Compositaeis). Current study focus on hepatoprotective activity of the roots in ethanol extract by ethanol induced
hepatotoxicity model. Physical parameters, liver functioning, antioxidant levels and histopathological study of the liver
were studied to find out hepatoprotective action of Tagetes erecta. Treatment with Tagetes erecta root extracts has
protected liver from induced hepatotoxicity. This was demonstrated by reducing the elevated levels of biochemical
markers and additional histopathological observations have shown that there is an improvement in the structural design
of liver due to induced hepatotoxicity