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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Effect of Xanthium strumarium L. extract on Glucose Metabolism in HeLa cervical cancer cells
Khanjan Vaishnav, Linz-Buoy George, H. N. Highland
Published: March 29, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 195-198
Cancer cells exhibit increased glucose metabolism and pentose phosphate cycle activity compared to normal
untransformed cells. Glucose metabolism plays an important role in hydroperoxide detoxification and the inhibition of
glucose metabolism has been shown to increase prooxidant production and cytotoxicity in cancer cells. There are reports
showing that inhibition of the Akt pathway which is responsible for cell growth and survival, inhibits glucose
consumption and induces parameters indicative of oxidative stress such as glutathione disulfide (%GSSG) and
thioredoxin reductase (TR) activity in certain cancer cells. Hence after the treatment with a drug, when the levels of
glucose consumption are decreased cancer cells, it could indicate increase in oxidative stress resulting in cell death and
that the drug is effective against that particular cancer. In our previous studies, we have already shown that the
hydroalcoholic extract of an annual herb Xanthium strumarium induced cell death and generated oxidative stress in HeLa
cervical cancer cell line. In our current study, we have performed the test for glucose consumption to support our study