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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-11 | Issue-01
The Effect of Alpha Wave Audio and Theta Wave Audio on Brain Concentration Power in Students of the Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University Class of 2019
Jimmy Franky Rumampuk, Damajanty Hellen Carol Pangemanan, Maya Esther Wullur Moningka, Hedison Polii
Published: Jan. 14, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2023.v11i01.014
Pages: 87-90
Currently, many studies address the relationship between function and brain waves with medical diseases, psychological disorders, or human capacity to various subjects. One of them is by generating individual potentials using brainwaves. Alpha and theta waves in the learning process can be attributed to this brainwave therapy since these waves can improve brain performance to concentrate more on improving memory power and also intelligence. Alpha and theta waves can be listened to in everyday life, in the form of audio from the sound of music. This research is purely experimental (true experimental design) with a randomized pretest- posttest control group design research design. The subject of the study was a student of the Faculty of Medicine Class of 2019. The test method used is a method of measuring brain concentration power using alpha wave audio equipment and theta wave audio. The respondents in this study were 139 students. It was seen that there was an improvement in test results (brain concentration power) before and after exposure to alpha wave audio, where test scores of 9 (better category) increased from 18 students (12.95%) to 97 students (69.6%). The test results (Brain concentration) before and after exposure to theta wave audio showed an increase, from 20 students (14.38%) to 29 students (20.86%) on test scores of 10 (excellent category). From the T-test, significant results were found with a p-value of < 0.05, which is 0.000, which means that there is a difference before and after exposure to alpha waves and theta waves to brain concentration power. The conclusion obtained from this study is that there is an influence of alpha wave audio and theta wave audio on brain concentration power in students of the Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University Class of 2019.