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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-12 | Issue-01
Evaluation of the Oestrogenic Activity of Cassia sieberiana Root Bark (Calsepinaceae)
Soro Tianga Yaya, Mian Jean Claude, Ehoussou N’douffou Célestin, Kouassi Ange Michel Aimé, Coulibaly Sirabana, Traoré Flavien
Published: Jan. 21, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2023.v12i01.002
Pages: 8-13
Cassia sieberiana is a tree of 8 to 10 meters in height, used to treat various diseases including malaria, dysmenorrhea and many others. Our objective is the scientific valorisation of Cassia sieberiana, a plant used in therapy in the Ivory Coast, through the evaluation of the estrogenic activity of the root bark of Cassia sieberiana. To do this, the phytochemical study was carried out in order to determine the main chemical constituents with therapeutic potential, then the acute toxicity by gavage was carried out and finally the estrogenic activity was verified. The phytochemical study revealed the presence of sterols, polyterpenes, polyphenols, flavonoids, catechic tannins, saponosides and alkaloids. As for the toxicity study, it allowed us to determine a per os LD50 > 5000 mg/kg PC. The aqueous extract of the root bark of Cassia sieberiana has an estrogenic activity.