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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-4 | Issue-04
Pharmacological evaluation of extract of Lannea coromandelica(Linn) for its antiulcer activity in rodents
N. Santhi Priya, M. Santhosh Aruna, D. Eswar Tony, Rama Rao Nadendla
Published: April 21, 2015 | 244 139
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 217-221
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) encompassing gastric and duodenal ulcer is the most prevalent gastro intestinal disorder the pathophysiology of PUD involves imbalance between an offensive (acid, pepsin, H . pylori) and defensive factors (mucin, prostaglandin, bicarbonate, nitric oxide and growth factors) an estimated 15,000 deaths occupy each year as a consequence of PUD. In India PUD is common in the Indian pharmaceutical industry, antacid and antiulcer drugs share 6.2 billion rupees and occupy 4.3% of the market share. Today, here are two main approaches for treating peptic ulcer .The first deals with the production of gastric juice and the second with re-enforcing gastric mucosal protection. The present study has been undertaken with the main objective of evaluating the extracts of Lannea coramandelica for anti ulcer activity using albino wistar rats as experimental animal body