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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Determination of the Most Significant Design Criteria Affecting the Performance of Those Working on Open-Plan Offices
Tuğba Karaaslan, Dr. Deniz Ayşe Yazıcıoğlu
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i02.017
Pages: 452-460
The place a person spends most of his time during the daily life cycle thereof is his work environment, namely his “office". Numerous resources report that the time spent workplace constitutes a substantial part of human life. As such, a vast number of scientific studies have been conducted with an eye to understand especially the effect of office design on efficiency and motivation in the workplace. However, a data revealing “the most important design criteria that affect the performance of working people” has not been obtained within these studies carried out a result of these literature researches. Objective of the study, in this context, was determined as the determination of the most important design criteria affecting the performance of those working in offices while the purview of the study was limited to open-plan offices with a view to reach a more detailed result. The reason why open-plan offices are the most preferred ones among other type of offices is due to the fact that they facilitate the work by increasing communication between employees. The methodology of the study in line with this objective and purview was to determine, at the first stage, the most significant factor affecting the performance of those working in open-plan offices. Subsequently, the relation of this factor with the interior design was established and the most significant design criteria affecting the performance of those working in open-plan offices were created.