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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Meta-Analysis of Predictive Studies of University Matriculation Examination in Nigeria
Ale Veronica Modupe, E.B Kolawole
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i02.023
Pages: 502-504
The study investigated the results of past research studies on predictive strength of University Matriculation Examination in Nigeria. The purpose was to identify the area of weakness in past predictive studies on University Matriculation Examination in Nigeria and to employ meta – analytic method to integrate past studies on predictive validity of university matriculation examination in Nigeria. The research used a sample size of 35 studies on predictive validity of UME in Nigeria that was purposively selected to have met the criteria for meta – analysis. The study employ the descriptive design of survey type. For each of the 35 studies used for this meta – analysis, a coding sheet was designed to document the sample size and the probability level. The data collected were subjected to Chi – Square (χ2), standard normal deviate, and Fisher’s Z transformation at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the findings indicated that differences in the sample size of selected empirical studies significantly affected the validity of UME and that there was no significant difference in the probability levels of the selected studies. Based on the findings, it was recommended that there should be a benchmark for sample size of published articles like journal papers and unpublished studies like Ph.D and masters work. A standard range of probability level of 0.05 and 0.01 for published and unpublished articles should be strictly adhere to.