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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Carl Jung’s Approach to Symbolism: with special reference to Visual Art
Minnu Kejriwal, Dr. Choodamani Nandagopal
Published: April 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i04.017
Pages: 934-937
The concept of symbolism from the perspective of a psychologist Carl Jung gives a new insight and dimension on symbolism apart from other disciplines. Jung believes that man produce symbols consciously as well as unconsciously in a form of dreams which are a great aspect of psychological importance. He stresses on how the psychic content of a symbol can be of vital importance for a man and his life. A symbol plays an integral part in the life of many cultures and there is a re-creative meaning in these symbols. The symbolic ideas take place within the unconscious mind of a modern man as it takes place in the rituals of ancient societies. Jungian analysis is based on the unconscious of human mind and shows how a symbolic interpretation can become a method for analysis of an individual’s mental functioning and social behavior. Jungian perspective towards the interpretation of visual art presents fascinating insights concerning Jung's understanding of the universal Transcendent Function in art. By developing the theory of symbolism he contributes to a great extent in the field of Visual arts. It becomes a prominent place in the interpretive analysis and symbolism. His theory of dreams has a symbolic significance and this symbolization of dreams becomes a tool to analysis and appreciates the artworks of an artist. This paper will be an attempt to explore Carl Jung’s approach to symbolism and its importance in analysing art with special reference to Visual Art.