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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-06
A Study of Job Satisfaction among Government and Private School Teachers with reference To Darbhanga District, India
Dr. Nathuni Yadav
Published: June 30, 2015 | 371 243
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i06.008
Pages: 1143-1145
The present study was aimed at studying the job satisfaction among government and private school teachers with particular reference to Darbhanga district. It is undoubtedly fact that in recent years our governments, educator’s organizations and other groups have sought to improve the public image of the teaching occupation so as to attract more people in to the occupation. Hence, the present piece of research work is of utmost value. For the present investigation total sample consisted of one hundred eighty (N=180) comprising Government School teachers (n=90) and Private School Teachers (n=90) were randomly selected from different government and private schools of Darbhanga district. Data were collected through questionnaire, developed by Singh and Sharma [1] and tabulated according to procedure of the scale for giving statistical treatment. Results revealed the fact that there is a significant difference between the government and private school teachers in their degree of perceived reactions on job satisfaction as t-value has been found statistically highly significant at .01 level of confidence. It is interesting to note that Govt. school teachers were found more satisfied with their work than private school teachers comparatively. Finally, obtained results were discussed in detail by highlighting the probable reasons in the light of research diary prepared during investigation.