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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-06
Gender Based Violence (GBV) and the Academic and Socio-Economic Well-being of Rural Women in Okrika and Etche Local Government Areas, Rivers State.
Nnodim AU, Harry AT, Lazarus TS
Published: June 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i06.010
Pages: 1151-1155
The study investigated the effects of Gender Based Violence (GBV) on the Academic and Socio-economic well-being of rural women in Okrika and Etche Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria. The objectives were to determine the forms of GBV perpetrated or meted to women and the effects of such treatment on their academic and socio-economic well-being. It was a survey study using 300 women respondents systematically sampled to include all stakeholder (students, female teachers, out-of-school females and adult females) especially victims. A structured questionnaire in the pattern of Likert 5-point rating scale was used in gathering the data. Mean statistics and t-test were used in analyzing the data and testing the null hypothesis. The result showed varied forms of abuse or violence against rural women, ranging from verbal and physical attack, emotional and psychological trauma to life threatening ones, such as rape, hostage taking among others. The effect on their academic and socio-economic well-being were enormous and includes loss of self-esteem, risky sexual behaviour, insecure livelihood, disrupted academic pursuit and drop-outs to attempts to take ones life. The null hypothesis tested showed no significant difference in the opinions of Okrika and Etche rural women on the factors considered, with P-value of 0.168 at 0.05% probability level. Recommendations include strong legislation stipulating punitive measures against offenders, proper upbringing of children with emphasis on moral rectitude and effective rehabilitation of victims of GBV including free education to encourage them back to school.