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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-06
Relationship between psychoactive substance use and sexual risk behaviour among Adolescents in some senior secondary schools in Abakaliki Metropolis of Ebonyi State.
Sylvester O. Okenyi, EzeruigboChinwe FS
Published: June 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i06.017
Pages: 1195-1202
The focus of this study was to examine extent of psychoactive substance use among the respondents, determine the respondents’ perceived intended benefit of substance use, determine sexual risk practices among the respondents and establish whether psychoactive substances used by the respondents influence respondents’ sexual risk practices. A descriptive survey design was used. A sample size 0f 361 respondents were drawn from six schools and 354-item questionnaire was used to collect data. Simple stratified random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed using percentages. The findings showed that the most common psychoactive use among these respondents were; Marijuana: (37.50%), Alcohol: (26.56%), Tobacco/cigarette smoking: (17.19%). 16.67% use psychoactive substances to read and pass examination as intended benefit, 8.85% use it to boost confidence, 10.94% use it to keep awake, and 7.25% use it to feel free with members of opposite sex, 25.52% use it to be able to make friends with members of opposite sex and 19.27% reported that they use it to enjoy sex, 36.71% has multiple sexual partner and 39.49% does not use condom while having sex, 35.82% had multiple sexual partner after using psychoactive substance, 60.45% did not use condom while having sex after psychoactive substance. The most significant finding of the study was that there is relationship between psychoactive substance use and sexual risk behavior. Based on this, recommendations were made to stakeholders. Areas of further research were also recommended.