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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-07
Money Metric Poverty and its Correlates – A Case Study in Tripura
Dipangshu Dev Chowdhury, Dr. Sumanash Dutta
Published: July 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i07.013
Pages: 1223-1228
Present study seeks to apply the Money-Metric Approach of poverty measurement, a prevalent method used to quantify poverty based on income or consumption levels which mean that an individual or household is considered as poor if his income or consumption level falls below some bare minimum level (poverty threshold or poverty line) essential to meet his basic needs. The study reported here uses primary data which is collected from a field survey of 120 households from the rural areas of West Tripura District, Tripura. It is reasonably obvious that strategies aimed to reduce the incidence of poverty essentially rely on identification of factors that are strongly linked with poverty. In that direction Binary Logit Regression analysis is used to find out different socio-economic and demographic factors that help in perpetuation of poverty at household level. The study shows that age of the household head, household size, education level of the household head and marital status of the household head are found to be significant predictor of household poverty status.