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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Getting anesthetic management of splenectomy for hypersplenism at the University Hospital of the Aristide Le Dantec hospital
Fall ML, Barboza D, Diaw B Gaye I, Ba B, N Diop, Farid E, E. Diouf
Published: Sept. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp
Pages: 405-407
The hypersplénismes correspond to a syndrome characterized by the presence of splenomegaly and
pancytopenia predominantly platelet lineage. It is associated with disorders of hemostasis. We conducted a prospective
study on a year May 2014 to April 2015. It was conducted at the department of anesthesia resuscitation CHU Le Dantec.
We included all patients undergoing hypersplenism. During the study period 4 patients were operated. There are two men
and two women aged 35 and 67 years respectively, 34 and 20 years. We found lymphoma in a case and cirrhosis in the
other three cases. Severe thrombocytopenia associated with hemostasis disorders was found in all cases. A transfusion of
platelet concentrates, packed red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma was made to prepare for the intervention. All
underwent general anesthesia. Hemorrhagic shock was noted in all patients. The postoperative complications were simple
without postoperative noted. Hypersplenism associated with hemostasis disorders poses anesthetic management
problems. All patients had significant hemostatic disorders associated with severe thrombocytopenia despite the
correction preoperatively. Anesthesia of these patients imposes support measures hemorrhagic shock