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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-9 | Issue-02
Thoraco-Abdominal Split by a Metallic Rod: A Case Report
Souleymane Sidibé, Issa B Maiga, Lassina Woni, Soungalo Diop, Aboul Azziz Maiga, Allaye Ombotimbé, Fatoumata Konate F, Moussa Wogbo, Djoré D. Gapily, Ahmadou Drame, Kassim Diarra, Seydou Mariko, Seydo
Published: Feb. 10, 2023 | 257 177
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2023.v09i02.004
Pages: 73-76
Introduction: Impalement wounds are defined by foreign objects usually steel bars or a wooden object, piercing a body cavity in part or from one end to another and always remaining in place. Thoraco- abdominal impalements are cases of rare trauma in our exercise context. We report a case of thoraco-abdominal impalement in an 11-year-old patient as well as our therapeutic attitude in our exercise context. Observation: this is an 11-year-old student, with no medical and surgical history, received in emergency for thoraco-abdominal trauma following a play activity in the family home. Discussion: Penetrating thoraco-abdominal wounds are most often caused by gunshot wounds. Impalement is a potentially serious lesion that can be immediately life-threatening and depends on the organs affected. Our case study concerns a patient victim of a domestic accident following a playful activity within the family home. The injuring agent was a concrete rod positioned within the home without any security measures and which was used to tie up sheep intended for domestic breeding. Management of impalements must comply with rules so as not to aggravate the lesions. Conclusion: Thoracoabdominal impalement injuries are potentially serious and can be life-threatening. Its management is a challenge in countries with limited resources like ours. Good coordination of medico-surgical care allowed optimal management of the patient.