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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-9 | Issue-02
A Study on Clinicopathological Corelation and Management of Solitary Thyroid Nodule
Dr. Sandhya N, Dr. Rohith Yadav G
Published: Feb. 10, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2023.v09i02.005
Pages: 77-87
Background: A solitary nodule is a goiter which, on clinical examination appears to be a single nodule in one lobe of the thyroid with no palpable abnormality elsewhere in the gland. The incidence of solitary nodule in general population in South India is 9%. This study aims to assess the presence of malignancy in patients presenting with solitary thyroid nodule and to evaluate and compare results of various investigative modalities used to diagnose a solitary thyroid nodule and the outcome of management modalities in solitary thyroid nodule. Methods: The present study on clinicopathological correlation and management of solitary thyroid nodule has been conducted on cases admitted and managed in the Department of Surgery at KIMS medical college, Hubli. Prospective analysis of 50 cases of solitary nodule thyroid in the specified period was done. These cases were selected by random sampling method and studied in detail clinically and recorded as per the proforma. Routine investigations and specific investigations including FNAC of the nodule, Thyroid profile, IDL, Plain X-ray neck, USG neck were done in all cases. Special investigations like radio-isotope scanning were not performed as the facilities were not available. All the patients were managed by surgery and diagnosis was confirmed by histo- pathological examination. The patients were grouped according to different variables like age, sex, size of the nodule, site of the nodule, functional thyroid status, FNAC reports and histo-pathological examination reports, then analyzed and compared with the previous similar studies conducted elsewhere. Results: Total of 50 cases of solitary nodule of thyroid studied. The mean age of presentation is 38.5 years. Cases in 3rd to 5th decades constitutes 72% of the cases studied. Out of 50 cases studied 46 were females and 4 were males, and the ratio comes to M:F = 1 : 11.5. Out of 50 cases along with swelling in front of the neck, 3 cases had pain, 3 cases had discomfort .....