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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-01
The Role of Local Government to Reduce Violence against Women and girls in Bangladesh
Khandakar Josia Nishat
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i01.001
Pages: 1-6
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the major concerns in achieving the equal rights for men and women in the society. One of the objectives of this article is to see the extent of Government interventions to reduce VAWG in Bangladesh as the successive governments of Bangladesh have introduced a number of initiatives and initiated reforms to end VAWG. Worldwide, many of the countries have appointed their local government to reduce VAWG and this new trend is also instigated in Bangladesh through a Joint Program of Bangladesh government, UN bodies and some other Partner organizations. Secondly, this study aims to ascertain the role and contribution of Local government to reduce VAWG at the local level in Bangladesh. As this study involves in-depth understanding of governance interventions to reduce VAWG and based on secondary data, an extensive literature review has been done. The study result indicates that local representatives could be the impending bodies to end VAWG from the local level in Bangladesh. Moreover, this study suggests to involve Local government in making a better future for women and to eradicate the root of violence to ensure a dignified co-existence for women in Bangladesh.