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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-01
Evaluation of the Human Resources Development Progamme of State Colleges in Cotabato Philippines
Sema G. Dilna
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i01.011
Pages: 62-68
This study utilized “Daniel Stufflebeam’s Context – Input – Process – Product (CIPP) Evaluation Model (Worthen and Sanders, 1973).” The respondents of this study consisted of 111faculty members, clerical and administrators from the three state colleges in the Cotabato Area. The overall rating of the respondents as regards to the context of the HRD Program (attainment of the College’s mission and goal as well in undertaking HRD Planning was “moderate extent: (3.16). In general, the respondents rated the input of the HRD Program as “moderate extent” (3.00). The process of the HRD Program came out with a “moderate extend” (3.03) rating from the Colleges. The overall rating of the product evaluation of the HRD Program on the before the effect of the program to the beneficiaries in the College was “little” (2.65). Although, the overall rating of the product evaluation of the HRD Program on the after effect of the Program to the beneficiaries in the College was “little” (3.15), this was however, significant when the t-test for dependent sample was used. The human Resource Development Program of the State Colleges in Cotabato area is well implemented because the goals are clearly defined, supports are provided, and the procedures are adequately followed that help strengthen the capability of the faculty and staff to make them effective in performing their tasks and responsibilities. Nonetheless, the Program needs to be reviewed and effective implementing mechanism should be provided to make it more responsive to the needs of the colleges’ stakeholders. It is recommended that further study of the subject should be undertaken.