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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Factors Affecting Vocational – Technical Skills Development of College Students in Cotabato City
Sema G. Dilna, Ed.D.
Published: March 31, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i03.007
Pages: 216-227
This study had for its main objectives to determine the effects of selected variables on the vocational – technical skills development of the college students in selected colleges and universities in Cotabato City. This study was a descriptive – correlation design. Stratified random sampling and equal allocation using the Slovin’s formula was used to determine the sample size of the respondents. The respondents consisted of a total of 141 students equally taken from the colleges and universities offering automotive, electronics, refrigeration and air-conditioning; 23 vocational – technical teachers; and 17 administrators. Three sets of self – made questionnaire were administered to the targeted respondents. Regression analysis and analysis of variance were used to find out the effects of selected variables on the vocational-technical skill development of the college students. As the results of the study, administrative support, was found very good; teachers were competent and committed; parents were very much involved in their children’s skill development more specially among electronics students; there was adequacy of teaching materials, equipment and the like; students’ interest was moderate. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the administrative support as perceived by the teachers and the administrators themselves. There was also no significant difference in the perceptions of the teachers and students: on the adequacy of instructional materials, equipment and the like in automotive and in electronics; however, there was a significant difference in the perception materials, equipment and the like in refrigeration and air conditioning. Adequacy of instructional materials and involvement of parents emerged as the best predictors among the variables specifically among electronics students. Therefore, these two factors have great influence on the skills development of the students in electronics. There was also an encouraging effect of the administrativ