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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
The investigating of information literacy librarian of Public universities in Kerman
Fatemeh Shekari, Maryam Okhovati, Zohreh Khoshnood
Published: March 31, 2016 | 379 239
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i03.013
Pages: 270-278
The purpose of this study was to investigating the information literacy librarian of public universities in Kerman. Information literacy "is a set of skills necessary for search, retrieve and effective use of various information sources. The study was descriptive-survey. The population consists of 93 librarians of payamenoor university, Shahidbahonar University and university of medical sciences. A data collection instrument is included researcher-made questionnaires. Data analysis included Test t, chi-square test and ANOVA analyses and SPSS software (package of Spss / pc + + ver21). The results of this study show the most familiarity the study population belonging to the periodicals. According the results, librarians of Shahidbahonar University and university of medical sciences were more dominant in the software library. The results of this study show there is not a significant relationship between information literacy and gender. But there is a significant relationship between information literacy with age, degree and field of study. According to the findings holding training courses for information literacy skills, equipping the libraries with suitable hardware and software, personal motivation of librarians to keep their information literacy skills updated, and official attention of libraries and universities to their staff information literacy level is the factors that involved in information literacy level of study population librarians.