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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-04
General Aspects of Coordination in Assamese
Juri Saikia
Published: April 30, 2016 | 201 209
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i04.017
Pages: 422-425
Assamese is an Eastern Indo-Aryan language used mainly in the state of Assam, where it is an official language. In an area of great linguistic diversity, it is frequently used as lingua-franca in Assam and neibouring north-eastern states of India. The word Assamese is an English formation built on the same principle as Japanese. The people call their state as Oxom and their language Oxomiya. In the past, it was the court language of the Ahom kingdom from 17th century. As per details from Census 2001, of the total population of 26,655,528 persons , 13, 010,478 persons were Assamese speakers in Assam. From linguistic point of view, Coordination is a term in grammatical analysis to refer to the process or result of linking linguistic units which are usually of equivalent syntactic status such as clause-clause, phrase – phrase etc. Coordinators have important roles in coordination and these are basically conjunction and disjunction. From socio-linguistic point of view, coordinators show stylistic differences also as some coordinators are used in formal environment and some are used in friendly and informal environment. Instead of it, we are discussing different aspects of coordination in the context of Assamese language like reduction, open-ended ness. Thereafter, we are discussing different types of coordination like syndetic coordination, asyndetic coordination and polysyndetic coordination. Combinatory and segregatory meanings are also discussed in coordinated constructions in Assamese.