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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the Residents of Larion Bajo, Tuguegarao City on Viral Influenza
Catherine Fugaban-Hizon
Published: May 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i05.005
Pages: 486-492
This study was conducted to assess the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of the Residents of Larion Bajo, Tuguegarao City on Viral Influenza. There were 70 residents who were taken as the respondents using the descriptive method. Majority of the respondents belong to age bracket 31 – 40. Mostly were housewives and are high school graduates. Predominantly they are Roman Catholic and speak Ilokano as a dialect. Majority are composed of 5-6 family members with a monthly income below of P10,000. The result of the study reveals that the respondents are knowledgeable on the predisposing factors, symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatment of viral influenza Most of the respondents know that weakened immune system is a predisposing factor to be infected with viral influenza. Fever is the most known symptom of viral influenza that the respondents know. As to transmission of the disease, majority of the respondents know that when an infected person sneezes mucus into the eyes, nose or mouth of another person, they can acquire the disease. Most of the respondents know that drinking a lot of water is a treatment of the disease. As to prevention, majority of the respondents know that proper hand washing is a way of preventing the occurrence of the disease. Most of the respondents practice doing the safety measures to prevent the occurrence of viral influenza while few of them mingle with other people suffering from the disease. The respondents have a positive attitude and practice proper measures towards viral influenza. They know the appropriate action if they or anyone in the family have the disease.