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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Attitude and Learning Environment Chemistry among 1st Year BSBA Students of Cagayan State University, Andrews Campus
Catherine Fugaban-Hizon
Published: May 30, 2016 | 373 259
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i05.020
Pages: 608-613
This study was conducted to determine the attitude and learning environment in Chemistry among 1st year BSBA students of Cagayan State University, Andrews Campus. The number of respondents was determined using Slovin’s formula. A total of 262 students participated in the study. The evaluation questionnaire consists of Likert type rating scales. The following cut-off points were utilized to interpret the ratings: 1.00-1.74 =Poor, 1.75-2.49=Fair. 2.5-3.24= Satisfactory, 3.25-4.00= Very Satisfactory. The responses in the collected filled-up questionnaire were tallied in the data master sheet and encoded in the computer for the processing using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as frequency, weighted mean rating, and ranking. Data reveals that out of 262 respondents, female respondents are greater having a total of 184 than that of males having 54 or 44.26%. Respondents have an overall very satisfactory rating on attitude towards chemistry which implies that they enjoy their chemistry class, they sees the value, uses and importance of chemistry in their life. Respondents also participate actively in their chemistry class. An overall very satisfactory level on chemistry class learning environment among students reveals that 1st year BSBA respondents perceive that there is fairness in grading system and the teacher clearly defined the house rules on discipline and proper behavior. Respondents perceive that the classroom is conducive for learning. This implies that they can focus in studying and learning because of properly arranged and well ventilated classrooms. The respondents recognizes the teachers’ effort in providing a positive learning atmosphere for the students to grasp the subject matter. The teacher gets along well with the students and goes out his/her way to assist the students. This implies that learning chemistry becomes easier because the teacher provide support and concern to the stu