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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-08
Challenges of Primary Schools’ Guidance and Counselling Programme for the Hearing Impaired in Selected Counties of Kenya
Dorcas Njeri Githaiga, Dr. Gladys Kiptiony, Dr. Owen Ngumi
Published: Aug. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i08.017
Pages: 933-940
This study investigated the challenges that could be facing the guidance and counseling programme in schools for the hearing impaired pupils in the counties of Nakuru, Nairobi, Kiambu and Machakos. These counties have a total population of 776 pupils, 90 teachers and 9 head teachers. Pupils in class six to eight who comprised 243 were selected for the study. This was an ex-post facto descriptive survey that used self-administered questionnaires and interview guide for data collection. A pilot study preceded the main study to ascertain the reliability of the questionnaire items. Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha method was used to measure the internal consistency of items. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used to analyse the data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.77, 0.70 and 0.71 for the pupils’ questionnaire, teacher counselors’ questionnaire and head teachers’ questionnaire respectively. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe the quantitative data. Chi-square test was used to show the existence or none existence of relationships between the independent and dependent variables. Content analysis was used to analyze data from the open-ended questionnaire items. Qualitative data generated after the analysis of information obtained was used to describe the various aspects of the study and drawing conclusions and recommendations. Findings revealed that the teacher counsellors did not have adequate facilities and resources and they had not received adequate training. Lack of confidentiality, uncooperative parents and negative attitude of teachers towards guidance and counseling also affected the effectiveness of guidance and counseling programme. Adequate training, provision of adequate resources for the programme, creation of awareness among parents and other teachers on the importance of the guidance and counseling programme were recommended.