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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
The Process of Capacity Building of Teachers in the Context of Social Change
Al Kafil Choudhury GM
Published: Sept. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i09.001
Pages: 989-991
The teaching force of an institution is the most vital asset to meet the purpose of disseminating education. For that, the teacher should have the scope to learn endlessly to build his/her professional capacity. Generally, the term ‘capacity building’ refers to enhance or reshape the existing skill/knowledge etc. Here, it implies the enhancement and development of professional knowledge/skills. It is a fact that although infrastructure, teaching -learning materials, textbooks etc. are important factors, satisfactory results can not be achieved if the teachers did not know the proper use of all these. This clearly reveals the importance of teachers as well as the process of their capacity building in the teaching- learning process. Again, even more number of teachers would not yield good results if they are not having the knowledge of modern, up-to-date teaching methods. Therefore, the authority concerned should make provisions to prepare teachers with sufficient professional requirements through training, workshop, seminar, orientation, refresher programmes etc. This paper is an attempt to discuss what capacity building is, its requirements, importance of professional development, organizations/institutions involved in this effort, present status of teachers’ capacity building etc. It would try to focus on the process of capacity building in the present context of social change since the system of education has been keenly related with social change. It would also put recommendations regarding capacity building of teachers.