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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Marxists Historiography in West Africa
Fatou Janneh
Published: Sept. 30, 2016 | 328 237
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2016.v04i09.005
Pages: 1010-1014
History illuminates the present and satisfies human’s curiosity about the past. Thus, there is hardly any nation, region, or continent that does not have its own written history in the present age, as people are the fruits of their history. This paper examines the approaches of African Marxists historians in conceptualizing West African history. This paper relies on relevant literature on West African history and Historiography. It argues that the notion “Africans have no history” is baseless. The fact remains that Africans had and have history which were equally written in books and in the minds of its people. It further posits that for the fact that African histories were not generally written does not mean they never existed.